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Explore options for growing your remodeling business, get actionable steps to increase revenue and profit, and walk away with valuable insights on your digital presence.

27 min read

Social Media Marketing for Custom Home Builders, Remodelers & Contractors

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For many years, the idea of using social media to market your custom home building and remodeling business used to seem impossible, but platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and YouTube are no longer just for big companies. Social media has evolved into any business owner's dream: it provides open access to a large pool of potential customers. However, with so many new ways to use social media, how do you know what's right for you?


We're going to break down just how social media can be one of the best sales and marketing tools for your remodeling and custom home building company. You're going to learn the potential social media marketing can have in driving sales, increasing leads, and improving your brand's awareness. Ready? 

Let's get started!


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Why Use Social Media to Grow Your Custom Home Building & Remodeling Business?

There’s a reason more and more companies are using social media to market their products and services: it works! Social media is everywhere. Even if your business isn’t attracting the quality or quantity of leads you expected from social media, there are still plenty of reasons to keep up on social networking platforms. Social media isn’t going away anytime soon, and you need to tap into this (mostly) free opportunity as much as possible to grow your business. Social media is the digital way to do what your company has always done - get the word out. Here is some information and reasons why you need social media marketing right now.

Flipping the Marketing Funnel

Traditional marketing uses the marketing funnel to describe its strategy of acquisition, conversion, and retention. The technique is as follows: at the top of the funnel are the clients they are working to find. A mid-range of time and energy is spent on converting these potential clients into loyal customers, but the clients they hope to keep are almost an afterthought.

When we invert the funnel, by using social media marketing, it creates a pyramid, focusing on retention rather than acquisition, creating a platform where clients can interact, with your company and spread information about your business through word of mouth.

Social Media Marketing for Home Builders & RemodelersWhat Makes Social Media Effective?

The key lies in constructing an effective social media marketing strategy. There is no way to appeal to your followers without posting content. You should be updating your accounts with engaging content that will build a relationship with your followers. Responding individually to supporters across networks will give your followers a sense that you care about them and are more likely to stick around and continue engaging.

Use Social Media to Humanize Your Brand and Engage with People

The point of social media is to showcase what you can do, how you do it, and whether you do it well enough for people to buy from you. It is a natural form of communication between your business and consumers. Relatable content is key to engaging with consumers on social media, so ensure your consumers can identify with your posts. This type of content can also help humanize your brand and shows consumers your people, your passion, and your pride.

Remember people go to social media for three things:

  • To connect with people and businesses.
  • To learn about something (what can you teach your followers about your industry?).
  • To be entertained: time-lapse videos, home walkthrough videos, and gorgeous photos are great entertaining content.

Use Social Media to Generate Trust and Brand Awareness

Consumers need to know your brand exists before they can purchase your services and one way to inform people is to share on social platforms. Social media marketing also helps to establish your legitimacy as a home renovation contractor and can help consumers begin to trust your company as a qualified builder. Here are some things home builders and remodelers can do to increase trust on social media:  

  • Build legitimacy by posting a real photo of the business owner, the contractor, or the director on your profile.

  • Provide your real name and contact info.

  • Develop your brand with regular posts and by responding directly to comments and questions.

  • Consistently publish more personal posts and highlights.


Use Social Media To Gain More Website Traffic and Leads

Social media networks allow you to distribute highly targeted social media advertisements to the target audience that is right for your home-building business, which can be more affordable per lead than other means of advertising. Your content will also help generate leads as you continue to share helpful information.

By promoting your content on social media, you increase that page’s SEO value. Announce new blog posts, a free eBook download, or advice and information about home building or remodeling in your area. Make sure these posts are teasers, with the end goal of getting users to click through to your site to read the full content.

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How to Use Facebook for Custom Home Builders, Remodelers & Contractors

Facebook is the most widely known and consistently used social media platform in existence. Roughly 2 billion people use Facebook, and over 80 million of those users are on the mobile app. Studies have shown that 83% of women and 75% of men use Facebook - and ages 18-29 are the most engaged group on the platform. 

"Where Do I Start?" - Facebook Basics

Skip to Facebook Next Steps

Marketing on Facebook is different than how you interact with Facebook as a user. Let's dive into the nitty-gritty.

creating-company-facebook-page-1How to Create (and Optimize) a Company Facebook Page

To start a company Facebook page, you must already be a user yourself. The company page is tacked on to your profile so that when you log in, you can access both profiles at the same time. Once you are logged in, select the drop-down arrow in your menu (see image) and scroll down to "Create Page." Facebook will begin a guided process of asking you for information to fill out your company page.

Here are our tips for optimizing your Facebook business page for custom home builders and remodelers:

  • Start your page as a "Local Business" (this helps Facebook optimize your posts toward a local audience)
  • Customize your URL
  • Put your logo as your profile picture
  • Use a project as your cover photo
  • Include your phone number
  • Add your address (if applicable)
  • Link to your website
  • Use a simple Call-to-Action on your profile such as "Learn More" or "Call Now"
  • Add page tabs to promote services
  • Enable reviews

How to Optimize Your Facebook Profile for Custom Home Builders & Remodelers


What Should be Shared on Facebook?

Think of Facebook as the water cooler. Everyone is congregating, sharing stories and pictures, listening to one another, and is fully engaged. It's a break from the real world, the workday grind, and a way to feel important while in line at Starbucks.

Facebook is the perfect platform to share stories about your brand, your team, your clients, and your projects!

Here are 20 types of content custom home builders, remodelers, and contractors can post on Facebook:

  • Share Your Blogs 
  • Ask Questions
  • Do a Live Q&A
  • Promote Events
  • Host a Facebook Live 
  • Create and Optimize Your Facebook Albums
  • Tell a Story
  • Answer FAQs
  • Show Testimonials 
  • Announce Job Openings 
  • Share your Business's Values 
  • Recycle Popular Posts 
  • Highlight Trade Shows 
  • Repost Other Builders 
  • Discuss Trending Topics 
  • Create Branded Graphics 
  • Promote Your Other Social Channels 
  • Share Your Project Spotlights
  • Design Industry Infographics 
  • Create and Optimize Your Facebook Event

20 Facebook Post Ideas for Home Builders & Remodelers

 You may also enjoy:
11 Facebook Post Ideas for Remodelers




How Often Should You Post on Facebook?

Facebook is constantly editing and developing its algorithm to improve the user experience. So no matter what updates occur, as long as you are always posting with your audience and their user experience in mind, then you are working with the flow of traffic. Essentially, if you are posting when you know your audience is online, then your material will be seen.

As a general rule of thumb, Facebook is most popular in the mornings (before work), in the early afternoon (on a lunch break), and in the evenings (after work and into the night). If this is when your users are checking their Newsfeeds, this is a good time to post and show up. Insert yourself into their buyer journey - post when they're online! With our years of experience in social media marketing for builders, remodelers, and contractors, Builder Funnel recommends posting once a day on Facebook - but if that's too much then 3-5x per week is a good start.

Consider your buyer personas. When are they online? When are they interacting with Facebook? If you have a client whom you have a strong relationship with, you can ask them for some insights such as when they're online, what kind of content they like seeing on Facebook, and any other questions that will help you post the right stuff at the right time.

You'll also want to keep in mind what you are posting and when. For example, is an interested home buyer going to decide on their lunch break? Don't go in for the ask at 11:54 am on a Tuesday - instead, share a helpful blog about how to design the perfect entertaining space when building a new home. Go in for the ask on a Sunday afternoon when someone is doing their research and shopping for a new home in their area - share your "Tour a Model!" page from your website!

How to Interact with Facebook Users

Social media is so powerful because it allows companies to interact with leads and clients immediately. Gone are the days of leads scrubbing your website until they find the exact detail they are searching for. Now users expect to be able to find everything instantly.


You may also enjoy: 2 Social Media Tactics that Will Improve Your Engagement with Remodeling Leads


Facebook is the perfect platform for this engagement. It encourages people to contact a company directly by commenting on a post but also by sending them a message. One of Facebook's dozens of ranking factors for your page is your Messenger response time! The point of being on a social media platform is so that you can be social! Be sure to respond to messages you receive - and if possible, within a very timely manner.

Another ranking factor for Facebook is how engaged users are with your posts. The more comments and shares your post gets, the more Facebook recognizes it as good content. This is the kind of good content that it wants to share more prolifically, so your post's reach will increase with each comment! Friends of the commenter will be able to see the post in their newsfeed which will then introduce them to your company as well. So a very powerful way to interact with your audience is to find new ways for them to comment on your post. But if you want to be successful, remember to reply to their comments! This will increase that post's reach so that even more people see it.

Plus, high engagement posts are perfect opportunities to grow your page’s following and increase the reach your organic posts have. Here’s how you could do it by mimicking the anatomy of this client’s viral boosted Facebook post.


"What's Next?" - Advertising and Lead Generation on Facebook

Skip to Facebook Analytics

Now that you've mastered the basics of marketing on Facebook as a remodeler, contractor, or home builder, you're ready to graduate to Lead Generation! This is the part of the social media marketing that spreads past brand awareness and dives into conversion. After all, when you're putting so much effort into a single social media platform, you want to see the results!


Calls-to-Action on Facebook

You may have noticed that your Company's Facebook page has a call-to-action button on the right side of its banner image. While there are several options, it's important to consider how your users are finding you. For example, if they're finding you while still researching remodeling, they may not be ready to call you. In that case, it's best to encourage them to "Learn More" and send them to your blog or project portfolio on their website. If most of your users are finding you on the Facebook mobile app, then including a "Call Now" button will make their research easier rather than having to search your social sites and website to find a piece of information. Mobile users are more likely to call than browser users.

If you're not sure which button to use, start simple and work your way up. Switch them up every few months to see which gets you the most leads!


lead-generation-services-tabSetting Up Services Pages

In the left menu of your company's Facebook page, you can build out your Services tab. Click into Services, click the button "Add a Service," and start building out all of the services you offer. And, of course, we recommend being upfront about pricing. Let your leads self-qualify themselves - you don't want to waste your time on tire-kickers.

Examples of Remodeler or Contractor Services: 
  • Design consultation
  • Kitchen remodeling
  • Bathroom remodeling
  • Whole-home remodeling
  • Exterior remodeling
  • Basement remodeling
  • Additions
Home Builder Service Examples: 
  • Building a New Home
  • Building a Custom Home
  • Floor Plan Designs


Creating and Moderating Groups on Facebook

Creating a private Facebook Group is an incredibly powerful tool for your future marketing endeavors. If you have a group of clients or leads who are extremely engaged in your brand, you can leverage their excitement and honesty to influence others. You can also get valuable feedback about your content, branding, messaging, pricing, and more!

As a home builder, creating Facebook Groups for home buyers who live in specific locations or neighborhoods is an incredible way to connect. You'll be offering new homeowners an instant network to meet neighbors, learn about local events, and discover tax breaks in their particular area. Here's a helpful blog explaining exactly how you can create Facebook groups.

....JPGTo create a group, locate the "..." next to "Liked," "Following," and "Share" below your cover photo and select "Create Group" from the drop-down menu. At Builder Funnel, we're huge fans of reaching out to people personally rather than with mass marketing, so we highly recommend you attach a personal note to every person you choose to be in your group. After all, they are representing your brand!

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Boosting Posts on Facebook to Increase Reach

One huge benefit to posting on Facebook with a company page is that you can turn existing posts into boosts or ads with a click of a button. One of the best ways to increase your reach, gain more clicks, or maximize a campaign is by boosting posts on Facebook.

You can quickly and easily add a target audience, a budget, a time frame, and voila! Your post has been boosted. Read this thorough article on how to boost your posts and how track their analytics.

Developing and Implementing a Facebook Ads Strategy

Beyond boosting posts, Builder Funnel also highly recommends developing a Facebook Advertising strategy and implementing immediately! Just like how pay-per-click ads on Google started at cents on the dollar as popularity increased, Facebook is still in its advertising infancy. Paying for an audience or a click is currently far less expensive on Facebook than on Google, and now is the perfect time to start maximizing your advertising budget!

5 Facebook Ad StrategiesFacebook Advertising is complex - you have several options of how to optimize your ads (for video views, for website clicks, for views on the post, etc.) and endless options when you are building out your audience. Here are a few of our recommendations to get you off the ground:

  • Retargeting: A quick way to send out your first Facebook Ad is to target your existing leads and clients! You can upload Excel Spreadsheets as lists to build your audience. This is beneficial if you are trying to advertise for your current clients or leads to like your Facebook page, for example. It can also be the perfect audience if you are trying to re-engage your leads with a new promotion or a new open house offer.
  • Lead Ads: This format of ads is ridiculously engaging and addictive. It is the perfect way to discover new leads and gain their email address directly from Facebook rather than asking them to leave the platform and fill out a form on your website.
  • Pay-Per-Click: Both Google and Facebook give businesses the option to purchase PPC ads, but they operate differently. Google Ads works by showing your ad when specific keywords are searched. The targeting is based on immediate user search intent. Facebook Ads, on the other hand, target users by location, demographic, and interests to gain clicks even when the user is not directly searching on a search engine. The targeting is based on passive information gathered about users and what users could be looking for solutions for.
  • Increasing Reach: Another way you can utilize Facebook's advertising platform is to pay to show up in more Newsfeeds. Essentially, you can hand pick your audience (for remodelers, you could target those who like pages such as HGTV and who meet a certain income level) and then showcase specific promotions or content directly to that audience.
  • Video Views: As a home builder, one of your best methods for promoting a new home is through photography and open houses. What if you were able to create a slideshow of your new home's photography and build a virtual open house tour - then share it specifically with local home buyers in that neighborhood? That's the power of Facebook.



"Facebook Doesn't Work for Me!" - Analytics and Problem Solving on Facebook

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If that's how you feel, try our Done For You Social Media Program.

Check Your Analytics

The first thing to test when it seems like Facebook just isn't the right platform for you is to check your analytics. After all, everything you do on Facebook is measurable. Check your "Insights" tab at the top of your company page to learn more about what's working and what isn't. Scroll along the entire left navigation to discover more information about your promotions, followers, likes, reach, page views, posts, events, videos, and more!

The only way to fix something that isn't working is to know what's broken - and digging into analytics will show you what isn't performing well.

If you're curious to see how else we can help you, Learn about our Done For You Social Media Program for Remodelers and Save $80!  We've made social media as easy as copy and paste!

Check Your Reviews

Another reason you could have low engagement on your Facebook page is if you have negative reviews. 

The best thing you can do when you get a negative review is to respond promptly. And if you truly believe that the review is a bot or spam, then reach out to Facebook Support immediately to dispute it. Check out this article for more help on how to handle negative reviews on Facebook.

Facebook Marketing works. At Builder Funnel, we've been using Facebook as a tool for marketing since 2010. And while things are constantly changing, our tactics work. If this all seems a bit overwhelming, we get it. That's we have dedicated professionals on our team who work on Facebook every single day to make sure our clients are performing the best they possibly can be on this particular platform. If you're ready to talk to us about how we can help you, reach out!


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How to Use Instagram Marketing for Home Builders, Remodelers, and Contractors

Instagram is one of the quickest rising social media platforms. Its simple interface makes it easy to captivate users and even easier to engage. As builders, remodelers, and contractors, this is the perfect platform to showcase your beautiful photography!

Roughly 71% of businesses are on Instagram, and 80% of Instagram users are currently following at least one business profile. In other words, if your custom home building, remodeling, or contracting business isn't already on Instagram then your ideal leads are following your competitors instead. There are a variety of ways you can leverage Instagram to generate home building or renovation leads. According to SproutSocial, "as of March 2017, over 120 million Instagram users visited a website, got directions, called a business, emailed or direct messaged a business."

If you already feel strongly about your Instagram game, then you can skip this section and go straight on to Houzz.

"Where Do I Start?" - Instagram Marketing Basics

Skip to Instagram Next Steps

Instagram is probably the most streamlined social media profile you'll ever create. Of course, we have plenty of tips on how to get started by optimizing your profile and posts. But the first step is as simple as downloading the app.

Builder Funnel Instagram ProfileHow to Create (and Optimize) Your Instagram Profile

After downloading the Instagram app and creating your profile, you can select the Settings wheel in the top-right menu to build your profile into a business account. Follow the steps Instagram has already laid out to continue to convert your profile into a business page.

You will also be guided to attach other social media accounts available to your Instagram account. If you are still developing your full social media strategy, you can come back to attaching other accounts later. If we're being honest, at Builder Funnel we don't recommend sharing the same content on Facebook and Instagram. There is a reason they are two separate platforms - they have different audiences and each audience wants to see something different.


Here are our tips for optimizing your Instagram business account for custom home builders and remodelers:

  • Switch to a business account
  • Add your business name
  • Create a username (bonus points if you include a relevant keyword!)
  • Put your logo as your profile picture
  • Write a bio that tells what your business does and how it helps your audience
  • Use branded or relevant hashtags
  • Link to your website (Tip: use Linktr.ee to utilize multiple links)
  • Add a CTA
  • Include your contact details

How to Optimize Your Instagram Profile for Custom Home Builders & Remodelers -2


What Should be Shared on Instagram

Instagram users are there for the photography. There's little else to see, right? Wrong.

Instagram is about stories. You should be using Instagram to share content that tells a story:

  • Pike Properties Instagram Profile Your beautiful, professional photography should be shared on Instagram! If you don't have a lot of imagery yet, we recommend you share each picture one at a time over a couple of weeks span rather than posting multiple images at once. This will increase your fan base consistently over time and will continue to increase your engagement with each image.
  • Multiple Images: On Instagram, you have the option to post a single image or multiple images at a time as a single post. Consider "multiple images" as similar to Facebook Album. They work well to showcase before and after imagery in the same post. They also work well to showcase an entire project in one post rather than uploading each image as a separate post.
  • Behind the Scenes: Instagram is the perfect place to tell the story of "behind the scenes" - whether this means team meetings or client projects that are still under construction. Remember that users are trying to learn more about you. They're trying to decide if you're the right company to work with and if they see themselves in your clientele. 
  • Instagram Stories: These are quick shots that erase after 24 hours, just like Snapchat only built into the Instagram app. If you're feeling daring, edit the images and add hashtags or tag people. If not, just take a quick shot of your cuppa joe in the morning and say hi! Instagram users just want to see what you're like. Check out this quick pro-tip video on Instagram Stories!
  • Filters: They can make anything look beautiful, but they make anything beautiful look cheesy. If you already have professional photography, you can lay off the filter editing (#nofilter). If you used your iPhone to snap a few quick pics at your last job site visit, spice up your pictures a bit when posting with a filter.
  • Videos: Instagram users are obsessed with videos. This is the perfect place to upload a video (as long as it's square and under 60 seconds) to share with your followers. Some Instagram video ideas for your business can range from a professional photography slideshow of a new home for sale or even a quick interview with your Chief Designer of a new project you took on discussing design challenges and goals.
  • Hashtags: As Builder Funnel teammate Danielle Russell would say, "I'm seriously so glad you asked because I'm sick of seeing your hashtags." (Check out her full rant on video, or read her detailed article on how to improve your hashtags.) Using hashtags properly on Instagram will help your content be found by those who are directly searching for it - such as #homeremodeler and #dallasremodeling.

Here are 10 post ideas home builders, remodelers, and contractors can post on Instagram:

  • Share Polls
  • Join a Challenge 
  • Add Project Teasers 
  • Host Interviews 
  • Do Live How-to's
  • Share Business Memes
  • Respond to Questions 
  • Discuss Industry Myths
  • Create a Carousel 
  • Do Behind-the-Scenes

Here are 9 Reel ideas for home builders and remodelers:

  • Show clients inside a new home
  • Do a Before-and-After
  • Start a series
  • Jump on a trend
  • Share your mistakes
  • Create a month/year in review
  • Offer tips and tricks
  • Give a sneak peek
  • Create a Day in the Life

19 Instagram Post Ideas for Home Builders & Remodelers


How Often Should You Post on Instagram

Growing your followers on Instagram requires consistent posting. This means that it's critical to keep posting over time to show up in people's searches. If you have a ton of imagery, you can post pretty regularly. You may even want to add a few projects (as multiple images or as single images at a time) right away so that users know what kind of pictures they'll be seeing moving forward if they follow you.

If you don't have a lot of imagery, post 1-2x a week. It's fine to start small! If each image and caption tells a story, then it doesn't matter if you're not posting daily - you're posting what Instagram users look forward to discovering. Remember, quality over quantity.

Because of the nature of the Instagram algorithm, the time of day doesn't matter as much for posting. Similar to Facebook, however, we recommend posting when people are online - before work, during lunch, and in the evenings after work. Instagram is extremely popular late into the night for those who have already climbed into bed but just aren't quite ready to sleep yet.


How to Interact on Instagram

Just like Facebook, Instagram is an extremely social platform. There are a few important ways to remember to interact with your followers on Instagram that will make sure they feel appreciated and engaged. And before you ask how responding to an Instagram Direct Message could help someone choose to buy a house from you, let us remind you that Millennials grew up in a world where research is largely conducted on social media platforms and they are your ideal buyers now.

Here are the key ways to interact on Instagram:

  • Direct Messages: Instagram users can send your business profile a message! Sometimes, these messages are just to compliment your work (in which case you should respond), and sometimes these messages are just bots asking you to read their soon-to-be NYT Bestseller.
  • Comments: If your followers comment on your posts, you should always respond! When others see that you respond to comments, they'll feel more welcome to comment on your posts as well. It's a snowball effect of goodness that increases your post's popularity and will help it reach the first page of "Search" on Instagram.
  • Instagram Stories: Clients may tag you in the pictures during and after a renovation, for example. If these are in Instagram Stories, you will receive a notification. This is the perfect time to turn a client into a raving fan by responding with how much you enjoyed working with them and that you hope they'll recommend you to friends and family as they begin their new home or remodeler search. Further, leverage your own Instagram stories by snapping a quick pic with your clients during the stages of the project. Then, mention your clients by using the “@” symbol and typing their name, so you can also leverage their network in direct connection to your account. (If want to go above and beyond with your marketing, you can present a collage of these photos as a housewarming gift at the end.)

"What's Next?" - Advertising and Lead Generation on Instagram

Skip to Instagram Analytics

Like any social media site, it requires more than posting and hashtagging to turn followers into consumers. Luckily, Instagram has evolved to include new ways to generate and capture more leads. 

Lead Generation on Instagram

At least 71% of US brands claim to use Instagram to further their company goals. Therefore, it is worthwhile to put effort into generating leads on Instagram. Continue reading to learn 5 ways you can increase your lead generation on Instagram:

  • Optimizing Your Bio: It's essential to make the most of the link space in your Instagram bio. Customers should be directed to the goal you hope to achieve via your link. It may be a survey, a purchase of a product, or a subscription to a newsletter. Keep in mind that you are free to alter your link whenever you like.
  • Add Action Buttons: If you have a business account on Instagram, you can add action buttons to your profiles. Instagram provides better options for lead generation, including "Book", "Reserve", & "Learn More" action buttons. All you need to do is go to your profile and click "Edit Profile". Tap "Contact Options" and select "Add an Action Button".
  • Use Story Links: This is a fantastic method of lead generation. Users can click through from your stories to your website or to whatever landing page you want with enticing CTA's such as "Swipe to view the collection" or "See more". 
  • Utilizing Story Highlights: You can create mini "pages" on your Instagram account by using Story Highlights. These are the circle buttons that show up at the bottom of your bio section and can be very useful for showing off your brand's most important information. Categorize your Story Highlights into useful groups such as "Our Services" and "FAQ". This feature allows you to save all your most important links in an organized and easy-to-use way that is sure to increase your lead potential. 
  • Promote: Just like boosting a Facebook post, you have the opportunity to boost any of your posts that are performing well. We recommend waiting to see what post performs well organically and then putting a budget behind that to increase its reach.

instagram-analytics-109280-edited"Instagram Doesn't Work for Me!" - Analytics on Instagram

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Remember those stats from the intro to Instagram? If Instagram isn't working for you try our Done For You Social Media Program. There are several reasons why your business should be on Instagram

Check Your Analytics

When logged in as your business profile, you can check your Instagram analytics. This is helpful to see which posts are performing best, what days you tend to gain more followers, how many clicks your chosen URL receives, and what your audience demographics currently look like.

If you're looking to get started with a few of our tips, check out our Done For You Social Media Program that makes Instagram as easy as copy and paste.

If any of these analytics doesn't represent what you are hoping to achieve, then test! Try new filters on your images, try posting at a different time of day, & do more in-depth hashtag research. There are plenty of methods to try and increase your Instagram engagement.

Of course, we understand that it seems overwhelming. Realistically, that's why we employ our Builder Funnel Inbound Marketing Specialists - to improve your social media engagement!


How to Use Houzz Marketing for Builders, Contractors, and Remodelers

Skip to Houzz Next Steps

Houzz has been a popular social media marketing platform since 2009. According to 2017 data, Houzz boasts 40 million users and over 1.5 million local professionals.

As Houzz's business model has shifted to lean heavily on benefiting its Pro Plus accounts and offering a variety to its end users, its popularity among contractors and remodelers is dwindling under the cries of commoditizing the industry. For now, users enjoy being able to search for local professionals, sifting through project imagery, and researching costs and trends on the site.

Houzz is also relevant for home builders. While you will have fewer projects to share by nature of business, it is still an excellent way to share images of your completed homes (especially once they're staged), whether they're model homes or quick sales.

"Where Do I Start?" - Houzz Basics

Your Houzz profile will have 3 primarily important functions - showcasing project imagery, responding to messages and questions, and developing a system to get reviews on your profile.


How to Create (and Optimize) Your Houzz Profile

To keep your profile looking active and engaging, we recommend updating your cover photo seasonally. Several studies have shown that people try to see themselves in a set of clientele before making a decision. Updating your cover photo seasonally will also aid in showcasing the type of project users are currently searching for as well (decks in the summer, three-season rooms in the spring, and kitchen renovations before the holidays in the winter for example).

As you continue to fill out basic information on your profile, Houzz will highlight what information to continue providing to optimize your profile. Houzz recommends building out several Projects, collaborating with clients on Ideabooks, requesting Reviews from clients, and responding to Questions and Messages.

Here are our tips for optimizing your Houzz profile for custom home builders and remodelers:

  • Add your logo as your profile picture
  • Use a project for your cover photo
  • Add your business contact info
  • Provide a business description
  • List every city/area you work in
  • Upload at least 5+ photos
  • Ask for at least 3+ reviews
  • Place a Houzz badge on your website
  • Connect your other social media

    How to Optimize Your Houzz Profile for Custom Home Builders & Remodelers

What Should You Share on Houzz?

Houzz offers a few ways to share your content in front of your audience. The most common mistakes we see in sharing on Houzz are easily avoidable. Here's where you should focus your content:

  • Houzz Projects: This section of your Houzz profile requires professional photography of completed projects. This is not the time to showcase behind-the-scenes iPhone pics. When users are searching on Houzz, they are trying to gain information on your level of professionalism, project quality, and other business characteristics. They will do their research on your brand further on sites such as Facebook and Instagram if you have cut their list from Houzz. Projects on Houzz are critical because they showcase your expertise. You can optimize each project by using SEO to build your titles, descriptions, and keywords.
  • Houzz Ideabooks: If you do not have any new imagery and are still looking for a way to keep your Houzz profile looking active, you can utilize Ideabooks. These are simple ways to collaborate or share designs that you like. Simply save an image on Houzz and create an Ideabook to include this image under. You can create multiple Ideabooks and save images under them in a structure very similar to pinning on related topic boards on Pinterest.



How Often Should You Post on Houzz?

By nature, posting on Houzz is very time-intensive. Projects can take weeks (or even months) to complete. Staging and sending professional photographers through after the project is complete also adds time to the overall timeline.

Houzz understands the needs of contractors, remodelers, and builders. Posting on Houzz doesn't need to be daily or even weekly. While we do recommend posting imagery as soon as a project is complete to better showcase your expertise promptly, monthly posting seems to be the norm. If you don't have projects or photography completed yet and it's almost the end of the month, we recommend creating an Ideabook instead to share relevant content that way.

How to Interact on Houzz

Houzz offers three main ways to interact with its users:

Interacting on Houzz for Home Builders & Remodelers

  • Reviews: Houzz recommends continually asking for reviews. They have made the process even simpler by sending out emails to clients of yours who have Houzz profiles asking specifically if they would like to review you. Reviews are a large element of Houzz's algorithm - but on top of that, reviews are essentially word-of-mouth marketing and therefore carries a lot of weight.
  • Questions: Houzz users can ask questions related to your imagery. For example, if a user is searching for Seattle design-build remodelers and comes across your profile and start sifting through your imagery and stumble across a beautiful bathroom renovation with a stunning chandelier, that user can submit a question to you asking how they can purchase the same chandelier. Answering questions is good for your Houzz algorithm as well as building your brand as a helpful and reliable source of information.
  • Messages: Another way Houzz users can reach out to you is directly through a messaging board on Houzz. This is mostly used when asking a local professional if they service a specific area or if they have a question directly related to their future remodeling plans. Responding to messages promptly is another ranking factor for Houzz, so be sure to keep an eye on your inbox or opt for a text or email notification when a message is received.


"What's Next?" - Advertising and Lead Generation on Houzz

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Advertising on Houzz can be pricey, but we have discovered a couple of options to utilize Houzz for lead generation for free.


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Project SEO

When building your projects, you can write a project description. With the help of some basic HTML coding provided in this helpful article, you can link a landing page with a premium content offer in this section. We recommend linking a related eBook download landing page - if the project is a newly remodeled kitchen, you should link to an eBook about kitchen design trends or a case study on a kitchen renovation. This is the easiest way to draw Houzz users directly to your website.



Pro+ Accounts

A Houzz Pro+ account costs about $350 per month per location and per service. In other words, you're looking at a $4.2k bill annually to be promoted in Houzz at a minimum.


With a Pro Plus account, you get a few big benefits such as gaining a Houzz rep to help you maximize your profile, showing up more readily in searches based on location and appearing as the third featured company on the Houzz home page (based on location again). These accounts specifically target a selected city rather than a county or zip code breakdown. If you work within several cities, we would recommend you select the most lucrative city rather than targeting multiple (unless you want to see your bill increase even further).

Sponsored Articles

Houzz offers their writing team to write an article on a recent project you completed to feature in their blog and newsletter. The promotional piece would appear in their Houzz Stories section for a limited amount of time and would also go out in Houzz's newsletter for a hefty bill of over $2K.

"Houzz Doesn't Work for Me!" - Analytics and Problem Solving on Houzz

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Before you give up on Houzz entirely, be sure to check the usual suspects of why your profile isn't performing well.



When logged into your professional profile, you can access basic analytics from the Dashboards tab in the top menu. You can discover which images and projects are getting the most views, saves, impressions, and other such information, as well as how many impressions or views your profile has gotten in the past 1-3 months. If you have a Pro+ account, this will be broken down by Promoted and Organic traffic.

Professional Photography

We can't stress this enough. A Houzz rep has once shared privately that pictures that aren't aesthetic or professional will not show up in searches. They can be detrimental to your brand on Houzz, so invest in a professional photographer. If you feel that your images aren't getting saved and your profile isn't getting views, this could likely be the culprit!

If you're curious to see how else we can help you with your Houzz strategy and implementation, learn more about our Social Media Done for You Program! We've made social media as easy as copy and paste, including a full video library of helpful training and tips!


How to Use TikTok Marketing for Builders, Contractors, and Remodelers

TikTok is officially the new kid on the block and the rate of growth this social network has experienced is quite impressive. Between 2019 and 2021, TikTok's users have more than doubled from 291.4 million to 655.9 million. By 2025, it will be close to 1 billion users. 

"Where Do I Start?" - TikTok Basics

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What makes TikTok so different from the other social platforms is the fact that it's video only. This means to be successful on the app, your TikTok marketing strategy should include strong video strategies. Let's take a look at exactly what this means for home builders and remodelers. 


How to Create & Optimize Your TikTok Business AccountThousands of home building & remodeling businesses use TikTok Business Accounts that provide performance metrics, audience insights, and business-empowering creative tools. To start a TikTok Business account, you must first create an account. Once inside your profile click “...” on the top right of the “Me” page, then click “Manage account” and select "Switch to Business Account." Once you're all set with a business account, it's time to optimize your TikTok profile.

Here are our tips for optimizing your TikTok Business account for home builders and remodelers: 

  • Add your business name
  • Create a display name
  • Add a link to your bio
  • Use your logo for your profile picture
  • Describe who you are and what you do
  • Include a CTA
  • Connect your social media accounts

How to Optimize Your TikTok Profile for Custom Home Builders & Remodelers -5


Besides only sharing videos, another thing that sets TikTok apart from the rest is the type of content that users are sharing. It is well-known for its amusing lip-syncing videos as well as for giving you a platform to show off your dance moves. In terms of usage and popularity, the platform has experienced significant growth. Additionally, since its launch, a lot has changed in the kinds of videos published on it.

TikTok is the best platform for hopping on new trends, creating evergreen content and sharing those behind-the-scene vibes. Need some inspiration? Check out these trending TikTok video ideas for remodelers and custom home builders.

Here are 20 types of content that custom home builders, remodelers, and contractors can post on TikTok: 

  • Do a hashtag challenge
  • Team introductions
  • Tool demonstrations
  • Before-and-Afters
  • Process videos
  • Share your story
  • Create a challenge
  • Do a popular dance
  • Post creative hacks
  • Do a time-lapse
  • Lip-sync to trending audio
  • Create a branded filter
  • Respond to a comment
  • Post something satisfying
  • Show your daily routine
  • Tease a new project
  • Educate your audience
  • Create a Duet or Stitch
  • Share your interests
  • Showcase work culture

20 TikTok Post Ideas for Home Builders & Remodelers


If you know how to take advantage of TikTok's algorithm, your material may go viral. Compared to other social media networks, TikTok makes it simple to connect with new users. They encourage you to post regularly, ideally once a day, but if that's not an option for your business, we recommended posting 1-3x a week depending on how often you can make content and how active your audience is. 


TikTok has a couple of interesting features that can help your business interact with its users:Interacting on TikTok for Home Builders & Remodelers

  • Duet/Stitch: You can now respond to videos by making your video to go along with them. These are referred to as duet videos, and you may download them by clicking the "share" button, which brings up a menu and selecting "duet" in the bottom row in the middle. You can dance, sing, act, and live  react to videos your audience makes. 
  • Comments: If you have comments enabled (which you should), your followers can leave comments on your videos. When you respond to their questions or comments, they feel more welcome to engage in more of your content which will domino into an increase in engagement and popularity.
  • Challenges: Hashtag challenges are essentially certain actions taken by a business, influencer, or user to trend the hashtag. Similar to the bottle cap challenge, which attracted a large following and saw its hashtag become popular across practically all social media sites.



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Since TikTok is still growing, there isn't as many lead generation features available yet. We predict there will be new ways to collect prospects on the video app, but until then let's go over the main way you can increase your lead generation on TikTok:

  • Use TikTok Ads: On TikTok, ads are the quickest way of generating leads. They will help you enhance lead generation and sales regardless of how big or little your business is. Make sure you select the appropriate advertising goal when generating your ads. You can choose between "Traffic", "Conversions", or "App Installs". 
  • Add a Link in Bio: The first thing a user for when they link your content is your TikTok bio. Use this to your advantage by including a clickable link in your bio. You may direct TikTok visitors to your website or landing page. By doing this, you can quickly convert TikTok users into leads and then eventual clients.


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How do you measure TikTok's success? The number of followers, likes, comments, and shares are only a few variables to consider. But TikTok analytics go farther; you can use them to gauge exactly what is working and what isn't. 

How to Check YOUR TikTok Analytics 

When logged in to your TikTok Business account, go to your profile to access your account's analytics. Open the "Settings and Privacy" tab in the top right corner. Under "Account", choose the "Creator Tools" tab. Once inside, select "Analytics". 

From there you can view multiple metrics in the Overview tab, Creator tab, Followers tab, and LIVE tab. For a more in-depth explanation of what each metric means and how you can use it to better serve your followers, check out this complete guide to TikTok analytics


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Yeah - it's a lot! Do you want to ignore social media and give up on these lead generation platforms? Before you do that, remember you can hire us to help you! We also have plenty of valuable resources like our Social Media Checklist and Done For Your Social Media program. 


The Social Media Checklist

for Remodelers 

Leave outdated tactics and ineffective strategies behind. Grow your audience, improve engagement, and generate leads through the most popular social networks.


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