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2 min read

Instagram Marketing 101 for Remodelers [Plus: How to Get Started]

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Remodeling is a very visual business. I’m not talking about from your perspective as a remodeler—I’m talking about from your prospective clients’ point of view. Let’s face it, you probably have very few potential clients come to you with a set of drawings saying, “Please build this for me!”

Most of the people you deal with have seen images of something they like or admire or want to have online or on social media. Seeing actual images of the end result is highly motivating. When people see what’s possible, they get excited.

Instagram is a great platform for showing people quick, beautiful images on mobile devices (you can read that as anywhere they are and anytime they want). So why shouldn’t the images they see, be images of work you’ve done?



The good news is that launching an Instagram marketing campaign doesn’t have to be rocket science. It is, however, more than just pretty pictures, videos, and captions. Here are three things to keep in mind as you get started.

  1. Have a Clear Goal: What is it exactly that you want viewers of your Instagram posts to know and what do you want them to do? Make sure that the images (still or video) match that goal. If you’re a design-build remodeler, you may want to focus on images that showcase your design skills and creativity. One more picture of a new kitchen counter isn’t going to do that. Get pictures that show how you creatively used space or overcame obstacles.
  1. Take Great Pictures and Video: Remember that this is a visual platform. Your images need to do the heavy lifting. Quickly snapped shots with your phone could actually send the wrong message. Think about what you want the image to show before you actually take it. It’s worth it to spend money on good photos and video. Dark, blurry, or unimaginative images say that you’re not interested in quality (even if that’s not the case).
  1. Engage With Your Community: This is where a lot of remodelers miss the boat. You can’t just put something out there and wait for the phone to ring. You have to be active. If viewers have comments or questions, you’ll want to interact with them. Be open and engaged. These people will help shape your brand and your image. If you want a good reception, you need to be involved.
  1. Integrate Your Efforts: Link your Instagram efforts to your other marketing efforts. Repost on Facebook. Include links to (and from) your website. Make sure your messaging and your look is consistent throughout your marketing pieces.

You work in an industry where people are often more driven (at least initially) by what they see than by what they read or hear. Take advantage of the strengths of this very visual platform to show people what you can do!
