Instagram has been taking the world by storm since its release in 2010. But now more than ever, it's transformed into a tool for Design Build Remodelers to showcase their work in a fun, visually engaging way.
You may be thinking, my kids use that! What does it have to do with me and my business? Well, according to Sprout Social, Instagram has over 700 million active users, twice as many as Twitter.
While the demographic tends to skew younger (the majority of Instagram users are between 18-29) there is ample opportunity to grow your client base, as older generations are not far behind in joining the Instagram craze.
As a design-build remodeler, your body of work is best communicated through the use of social media. By utilizing a visually based platform, you are not only able to grow your online engagement, but demonstrate the quality of work your company provides, all while building your brand and interacting with potential customers!
Do other companies use Instagram?
Absolutely. Instagram is unique in that it presents a coveted opportunity to visually represent your brand. According to eMarketer, nearly 70% of companies here in the United States will use Instagram as part of their marketing efforts
Use Color
When posting photos for clients, I always gravitate towards photos with pops of color. It draws the eye and shows the wide range of projects our clients have worked on. Photos with pops of color are also more engaging- I’ve found that photos with bright, airy colors have gotten more engagement than photos without an eye-catching hue.
Link in Bio
Often, Instagram users promote a link or a product by writing ‘Link in Bio’. Since Instagram does not have the option to link their photos to an outside web page, users get around this by providing a link in their bio page, at the top of their profile. This is a great way to promote a product or service, and can be changed as frequently or as infrequently as you like.
Use Hashtags
Hashtags are a word or a phrase preceded by the hashmark (#). The tag is immediately indexed by Instagram logic and allows users to easily identify all the photos or posts that have been collated. This is extremely valuable for businesses, as they allow users to see your product or message while looking for a general search. Using construction hashtags is extremely valuable for your industry, especially when your account is sparsely followed. Make sure to include several broad (and popular) keywords, as well as more specific hashtags to ensure that your post is permeating through several types of searches.
Make it Your Own
Instagram is a way to get personal with your company or your business. While a perfectly manicured feed is the M.O. of certain companies, your audience wants to know who you are. Don’t be shy to post photos of your teammates, fun events at the office, or whatever you see fit! Personal profiles and interesting tidbits of the day-to-day activities at your company can go a long way.
Give Credit Where Credit is Due
If you are working with another contractor, supplier, or designer, tag them! Tagging other companies or individuals who have helped you on a project not only promotes cross-branding but opens up a larger audience. This tip is especially great for designers, who are easily able to showcase their body of work.