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for Custom Home Builders & Remodeling Contractors

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2 min read

How to Respond to Customer Complaints

If you own a business, chances are you have received a customer complaint at some point. While no one enjoys receiving negative feedback, it is important that your team responds in an effective way. Choosing to ignore customer complaints will only...

Customer Targeting - Chalkboard with Hand Drawn Text, Stack of Office Folders, Stationery, Reports on Blurred Background. Toned Image. 3d Render.

2 min read

Everything I Need to Know About Messaging I Learned in Kindergarten

A lot of us pay a lot of attention to the messaging we send out to prospective clients and customers. We agonize over our choice of words. We think...

Email analytics read-skimmed

4 min read

Three Sets of Digital Marketing Metrics Your Home Building Business Can't Ignore

You may think analytics and measuring data is overwhelming, and as a home builder, you may even shy away from looking at the marketing numbers....

Home Builder Marketing

1 min read

Home Builder Marketing: Developing Your Persona

There’s an old marketing adage that says: “People don’t buy from businesses. They buy from people.” It’s just as true today as it ever...

google search

2 min read

If Your Remodeling Company Isn't Talking About Cost, You're Missing Valuable Leads - Here's Why

There are several reasons you should be talking about the cost of your remodeling services before consumers ever contact you. Talking about money...

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2 min read

How to Start the Cost Conversation to Nurture Leads and Close More Sales

We get it - talking about the cost of your products and services can be scary. You don’t want to scare off potential customers or give away your...

Woman smiling in office conference room holding a pen

3 min read

How Home Remodelers Can Combat Negative Reviews

As a home remodeler, the last thing you want to see is a negative review on Google. Negative reviews can deter potential customers from choosing your...

Word of mouth advertising isn't enough for your remodeling business

2 min read

How to Find People Who Need Your Remodeling Services Without the Uncertainty of Word of Mouth

While word-of-mouth and newspaper advertisements have been the go-to marketing method for remodelers for decades, times have changed. What was once...


3 min read

The Benefits of Using Instagram for Your Home Building or Remodeling Business

With over 500 million daily active users, Instagram provides an incredible platform for builders and remodelers to connect with both potential and...


3 min read

How Remodelers and Contractors Can Define Their Target Audience

Some remodelers and contractors try to take the approach of having something for everyone. The problem with this approach is that not everyone is...


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