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The Marketing Blog

for Custom Home Builders & Remodeling Contractors

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2 min read

The Costs of Inbound Marketing for Home Builders and How It Compares to Website Redesign

Inbound marketing can be an expensive strategy to implement, and some might be tempted to consider simply redesigning their website to attract more customers. While this might be effective in the short term, it is impractical to redesign a website...

Increasing Conversions on Your Homebuilder Landing Page

2 min read

Increasing Conversions on Your Home Builder Landing Page

For many home builders, the landing page is the backbone of a marketing strategy. Landing pages are a great way of improving search engine rankings...

3 min read

4 Years Later, 5 Content Marketing Lessons for Home Builders & Remodelers

Four years ago I joined Builder Funnel to create a content department for our clients. They say time is the best teacher, and this blog is all about...

2 min read

Home Builder Marketing: Too Much or Not Enough?

When you market your home building business, you sometimes walk a fine line between not sharing enough information and sharing too much.


1 min read

Employ Show AND Tell in Your Homebuilding Marketing Mix

There are a number of different ways to get the message about your home building business out to prospective clients. Which one works best? That...

2 min read

5 Ways Small Home Builders Can Use Online Marketing to Compete with the Big Companies

No small home builder can afford to ignore online marketing. Over 94% of consumers research products online before setting foot through their front...


2 min read

No “Bull” Homebuilder Marketing: How to Evaluate Your Messaging from a New Perspective

As a former home builder (and a marketer), I know how easy it is to get so used to a home building marketing message that you aren’t even sure how it...


2 min read

5 Top Marketing Automation Tools for Home Builders

Buying a new home or remodeling your current home can be very stressful. So it’s no wonder homeowners are surfing the web to research what to expect...

2 min read

5 Steps to Launch Your New Home Development with a Bang

Once upon a time, all you needed for a successful launch was a well-written press release. You’d chat with reporters in advance of the big reveal,...


2 min read

Bigger is Better: Why Content-Heavy Home Builder Websites Do Better

We are living in an age of information overload. Smartphones. Tablets. Laptops. It seems we are always connected. Even the websites we visit are...


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