If you’ve invested in content marketing for some time, you know how difficult it can be to brainstorm fresh, compelling ideas for blog content, post after post. In fact, there’ll be some days where you feel like you’re recycling content that you’ve previously published. To consistently improve lead conversion and grow your business, you need to consistently provide content, but also remain fresh and ahead of your industry.
To help keep your business blogging efforts consistent, we’ve listed eight different home building topics that you can turn into full-fledged home building blog posts with your own unique spin!
1. Floor Plan Ideas
There’s a plethora of content marketing opportunities when you focus on floor plans — and there’s huge lead potential as well. In fact, up to 50% of any home builder’s website traffic is generated by posts focusing on floor plans. Whether you discuss specific options, compare ideas or create a video tour, writing about floor plans is a simple, yet effective, way to boost your content marketing strategy. Consider using infographics that list the features of the home in short bullet points. And use lots of pictures!
2. Why Now Is the Best Time to Purchase a New Home
Tell the readers of your blog why now is the best time for them to buy a home. A lot of people are ready to make the leap to buying a home. Let your content be the catalyst that tells them to do it now and not later. The perks of this kind of blog post: because the housing market and the national economy are cyclical, you can continue recycling this content marketing strategy for years to come. All you have to do is change the year in the title and the information that is specific to that year. Highlight low-interest rates, the low cost of building and the bargains that new homeowners can enjoy. Whether you use this format in 2020 or 2030, there’s a plethora of new economic data to support your claims. Just make sure you do your research so you aren’t making unsupported, bold claims. Website visitors will see through surface-level research with no solid evidence.
[Read More: How to Create a Content Marketing Plan for Your Home Builder Blog]
3. Why Your City Is the Best Place to Purchase a New Home
Local and regional home builders should provide value to local homeowners or prospective buyers via information about their potential new town. Talk about the local schools, churches and recreational opportunities in the local area. What are the coolest things to see in your neck of the woods? Show what makes your town special so they feel better about the exciting opportunity of living there. Your audience will appreciate the valuable information you provide, and when they do decide to move to your town, you will be the first builder that comes to mind!
4. Customer Testimonials
A new home is one of the largest investments that Americans will make in their lifetime — if not the largest. No wonder prospective buyers are so cautious! To help strengthen your lead conversion, consider focusing on satisfied customers and featuring them in testimonials. You can make a blog post consisting of your favorite client reviews, as well as some images of the great work you did for them. And make sure to thank your clients for these reviews so they know how gracious you are for the well-earned compliments.
5. Common Avoidable Mistakes People Make When Building a Home
Something that often stops people from taking on a big project — such as building a new home — is the fear of failure. It’s just human nature. But as you have probably noticed, there are a lot of ways people can make mistakes while building a home, such as not planning time for delays, asking for changes during construction, and choosing the wrong builder to work with. So their fears can be legitimate. But a blog detailing the common mistakes people make during this process, as well as how to avoid them, will put their minds at ease and make them feel confident in their decision to build a home. Hint hint: throughout the article, you can mention what home builders like yourself do to avoid these mistakes as well.
[Related: 275 Effective Home Builder Blog Topic Ideas]
6. Strategies to Save on Energy Bills
One of the biggest secrets of content marketing is that not every post or article has to be specifically related to your products and services. While energy bills aren’t directly related to home building, they are still of interest to homeowners. In other words, you can boost your content marketing and even help lead conversion by focusing on topics in the home building niche. But maybe your home building company offers energy efficient floor plan options, in which case this article is the perfect place to show that off.
7. Builder Stories
Did you know that consumers are more likely to perform business with a corporation that they feel a connection with? For home builders to create that emotional connection through content marketing, consider sharing builder stories such as an experience on-site, or talk about what your mission statement means to you. Make it personal. Show the human element. Let them know that the people in your company are genuine people — and that the process of building a home is a human experience and not just a transaction.
8. Answer the Last Question You Heard in a Sales Meeting
If you were asked something in a sales meeting (about price, timeline or something else entirely), there are most likely other people with questions around the same topic. There are many pain points and questions that all home builders share. Make it easy on your prospects and answer that specific question in your next blog post!
Cultivating the Perfect Home Building Blog
Keeping these eight blog post ideas in mind, your blog is on the way to being a huge traffic generator for your site, as well as a way for your target audience to find and engage with your brand before they make any big decisions. Which ones do you think would be most helpful to your readers?