2 min read
SEO for Remodelers: How to Target Local Keywords and Locations
By: Spencer Powell on Nov. 27, 2018

Taking advantage of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to reach the ideal clients is really nothing new for remodelers. It’s one way folks in the remodeling business ensure that they get the right kind of clients checking out their websites.
What does it look like, however, when you actually optimize the content on your remodeling website so that prospects find you? It’s more than simply repeating certain “key words” over and over and hoping that the search engines (and through them, your prospects) will take notice.
You have to be more strategic in your approach, and a big part of that is creating content that talks about the kind of topics your potential clients want. But it also has to be presented in a way that your customers will be looking for it.
One way to do that is by creating something that could be called “Optimized Project Pages.” These are dedicated pages, devoted to specific topics that have specific names. Let’s look at an example.
Let’s say you’re a remodeler in the Seattle area. But Seattle is kind of a big area (and a quick Google search turns up approximately 315,000 hits for “Seattle Remodeler”). So you’ll want to narrow things down a bit. And let’s also say that you want to focus on somewhat larger jobs. You could create separate web pages on your site dedicated to specific tasks and specific areas, such as:
- Stunning Kitchen Remodels in Des Moines
- Modern Kitchen Remodels in Federal Way
- Master Bathroom Remodels in Burien
- Whole Home Remodeling in West Seattle
How does that help? In effect it allows you to target two things at once. It let’s you pinpoint a geographic area. That’s something a lot of homeowners look for when they’re searching. Even if they’re not directly in the communities mentioned above, if it’s a nearby community, it feels a little more personal.
Another way it helps is that it allows you to target people who are looking for specific types of work (kitchens, bathrooms, whole home) rather than just a generic “fix it” service. You’ll spend less time talking to people who really aren’t the customers you want.
There’s a third area where creating these kind of pages is a benefit. If you have a whole page dedicated to a particular type of project, you can include lots of great photos. As much as prospects want information (and you should provide as much as possible), they love to see examples of what you’ve done.
What makes this all so feasible is that it’s relatively inexpensive to add pages. Once your site is set up (assuming that it’s well designed) you can add as many pages as you want at very little cost. And here’s one more bonus: The more pages you add to “yourfavoriteremodeler.com” the more likely it is that additional prospects will find you.
So don’t try to compete with every remodeler in your area and for every job that’s open. Create optimized project pages and begin pulling in the kid of leads you want for your specific remodeling business.