2 min read
5 Marketing Strategies That Work Best For Home Builders
By: Spencer Powell on Mar. 12, 2013

Home builders today face new challenges when it comes to doing business. Certain specific marketing strategies can work very well for home builders – particularly when they are applied with diligence.
1. Sharpen Brand Focus
First and foremost, take the time to define your particular brand. Figure out what distinguishes your home building business from others.
For example, today’s consumers are looking for reasonable propositions that are trustworthy and valuable. Focus on how your company adheres to these values. One way to distill this information into bite-sized pieces is to conduct consumer research and learn more about the latest insights from your potential customers through panel discussions.
Attend local events and take notes on building industry trends. Meet with leaders in your line of work and attend local chamber of commerce events. These are great ways to keep on top of the latest developments. Of course, you can make numerous contacts while you do this. That alone is well worth the time you’ll spend.
2. Enhance Eco-Friendliness
The trend of the day for many building enterprises and projects is “going green.” Not only do environmentally friendly materials and procedures help the ecosystem, but it is also possible to obtain funding from government subsidy programs. Research how you can become involved in them, and you could turn up a lucrative long-term contract or project.
Linking with green businesses is another way to generate interest in what you have to offer. This will also go a long way toward attracting environmentally conscious consumers, many of whom are well connected and have abundant resources.
3. Showcase with Events
In order to get noticed these days, businesses of all kinds need to find ways to stand out. One great way to do this as a builder is to plan an event that showcases what you have to offer. Find an angle that is specific to your business philosophy. Then incorporate something relevant to the local area.
For example, in a community that has many large lots, you might design an event that features dogs and children, and invite realtors, prospects, leads, and homeowners to visit and check out the neighborhood. Include contests for the dogs such as an agility course or Frisbee catching.
This is a great way to address issues for pet owners, some of whom will consider a larger home to accommodate their beloved pet. Letting dogs play in the yard can make it real for prospects; they’ll see just how your services may meet their particular needs.
4. Use Interest Rate Promotions
Homeowners buy based on monthly payments. If you can find a way to offer affordable monthly payments, you will likely get more prospects for better properties. Therefore, it may pay off to research and find all the necessary information to make this happen.
Network with lenders and everyone else in the industry who can educate you on current financial trends. It is important to stay abreast of all the latest developments to make this tactic work to your advantage.
5. Connect on Social Media Sites
Develop a strong social media strategy. Ramp up your Facebook and Twitter pages. Research what competitors are doing online and figure out ways to adapt these activities and customize them.
Generate daily posts on Twitter by answering questions you find through researching related accounts. You can also find out about events in your area through these sites, since so many other businesses in the industry have gone digital.
Take the time to set up your social media presence properly by working with a marketer who specializes in real estate, if possible. Remember that using these methods will take time and involve continuous attention in order to make things happen the way you want them to.
With the economy in a slow but steady upswing, using the above techniques should serve you well. Above all, make every effort to establish your home building brand firmly and ensure that it stands out from the rest.