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Utah Custom Home Builder Increases Website Traffic by 188% in One Month with Facebook Ads

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10x Builders was founded in 2018 and is a custom home builder building high-end custom homes in Eagle Mountain, Cedar Hills, Orem, Salem, and the surrounding areas in Utah County.

10x started working with Builder Funnel in April 2021, and as a newer company with a small website and a lack of any marketing content, they came to us looking for a strong strategic inbound marketing plan -  and that's exactly what we gave them. During the onboarding stages, our team launched a website redesign, and created a premium content campaign and blogs around the custom home building process, among other inbound marketing activities. Since then, our team has continued to expand marketing activities and adjust to the digital marketing landscape, which included creating, optimizing, and running Facebook ads on a monthly basis.


The Challenge 

10x Builders, was a newly established company, with a beautiful website, producing relevant content, and a developed inbound marketing strategy, but unfortunately, their audience wasn’t seeing it. They lacked website visitors, which also meant that most of the relevant and useful content the Builder Funnel team had created, was going unseen. Now we know that inbound marketing does not happen overnight, but our team wanted to make sure we were working to at least get traction to the website so that everything else could fall into place.


The Strategy 

Builder Funnel wanted to go one step beyond boosting Facebook posts to not only build brand awareness but to drive more traffic to the 10x website - resulting in the creation of a Facebook Instant Ad Experience Campaign. For clarification, boosting a post involves putting money behind an existing Facebook social media post on your Facebook page. Boosting is a good way to reach more people through one specific post, but it lacks the customization piece that Facebook's Instant Ad Experience Campaigns have. 

Facebook Instant Experience Ad 

When creating and publishing this ad, we had a few objectives we kept in mind:

  • Increase brand awareness for 10x Builders, specifically in Utah County
  • Successfully market to 10x Builder’s target audience and position 10x as an expert in the custom home building industry. 
  • Drive more traffic to the 10x website and content (i.e. Custom Home Building Guide eBook)

Creating the Ad 

The first steps include setting up the budget and ad schedule and defining the audience we wanted to target (Those who are 30 miles or less in Utah County, Utah interested in Custom Homes, Luxury Real Estate, etc.)  After this step, the creation of the ad began. 

As you can see in the image below, we first started with a description of the Free Custom Home Building Guide eBook our team created. Our team used drone video footage of a 10x project as the cover image to really capture the audience’s attention. Below the video footage, is another call out about the Home Building Process Guide, which includes the title and location. Other details that were included were other 10x custom home project images.


The difference between this Instant Ad Experience ad, and a regular ad is that when the viewer clicks on any of the above elements above, it directs the audience to a more elaborate ad that acts almost like a storyboard.

At the top of this ad (pictured on the left), the viewer is re-introduced to the eBook and has easy access to downloading the guide with the “Download Now” call-to-action. As the viewer continues to interact with the ad and scroll down, they learn more about who 10x Builders is, what kind of services they provide, and their previous projects. Again, we have another call-to-action button that takes the viewer directly to the 10x Builders home page on their website.




At the beginning of each month, the Builder Funnel team optimizes this ad to run again the next month. 

Optimizing this ad includes: 

  1. Selecting new project images 
  2. Adding new verbiage 
  3. Adjusting the target audience to make sure it aligns with 10x’s overall goals


The Results 

With the creation of this ad and continuous optimization performed by the Builder Funnel team, 10x Builders increased website traffic by 188.69% IN ONE MONTH  from December 2021 to January 2022 and grew their new contacts from 1 to 16. Note: these results were the highest 10x has ever seen in website views.

Overall Website Sessions

10x Builders Website Visitor Source Analytics Graph


10x Builders Website Visitor Source Analytics


We can see that organic social alone has contributed to almost half of 10x’s website traffic overall. It is important to note that although our Facebook tracking is properly set up, results still show up as organic social instead of paid search in HubSpot (sometimes traffic gets misappropriated while reporting). This is why our team cross-checks analytics between both HubSpot and Facebook.

Website Sessions From Paid Social

10x Paid Social Results

We also see that landing page traffic (which includes the Custom Home Building Guide LP) increased 241.94% just from December 2021 to January 2022, and continues to increase as we’ve run our Facebook Instant Ad and perform other inbound marketing initiatives.

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We took a dive into the analytics on Facebook Ad's Manager as well, to double-check that our data was aligned. We saw some big results, including 966 link clicks, 10,323 people saw the ad, 23,110 impressions (how many times the ad was on a screen), and most importantly the cost per click which was $.10. The click-through rate (CTR) for this ad was 7.22% which is beyond the benchmark for all Facebook Ads (2-5%). 

January 2022 Facebook Instant Ad Experience Results


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Beyond January 2022: The Long-Term Results

Throughout this case study, we've focused on the short-term results of this Facebook Ad, but we want to share some of the long-term benefits as well. Organic social has consistently been the top driving factor of sessions to the 10x Builders website month over month since we started running the ad in January - bringing in over 3,800 sessions to the 10x website, resulting in 33 New Contacts. From January 2022 until now (July 2022), the ad has had 4,577 link clicks, reached 39,628 people, and has had 161,222 impressions, (which is the number of times your ad was actually viewed). Our team anticipates that these results will continue to grow over time. 


Key Takeaways

The digital marketing platform is always evolving and getting more and more competitive every day. Facebook Instant Experience Ads, when done strategically, are an easy, inexpensive way to promote your business and drive your audience to your website and content. 

Lastly, always study your analytics and cross-reference your data. Even if you have tracking set up, sometimes different platforms and software can track those analytics differently. 

We’d love to help you achieve the same success as 10x Builders! If you’re interested contact us to start the conversation!

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