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Pittsburgh Remodeler Closes 1 Million Dollar Project with Our Paid Ads Strategy

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Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Master Remodelers stands as a distinguished luxury remodeling company. Renowned for their adept team, the company is committed to transforming clients' aspirations into tangible realities. Centered on architectural ingenuity and unwavering commitment to premium quality, they specialize in crafting customized living spaces. Master Remodelers represents the premier choice for individuals seeking to imbue their homes with opulent style and sophistication.

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We have fostered a collaborative relationship with Master Remodelers spanning over a decade, during which we identified an opportunity to significantly augment their lead generation. Master Remodelers has consistently excelled in our inbound marketing strategy, achieving sustained success and noteworthy year-over-year growth.

Over the course of different business cycles and seasons, fluctuations in leads and client demands often prompt a quest for new avenues to bolster business performance. This situation presented an opportunity for us to implement our reliable paid advertising marketing strategy.

Our extensive industry experience has consistently shown that to dominate one's target market and secure a prominent position within the local audience, running paid advertisements is a pivotal tactic. It effectively positions businesses where they aspire to be, ensuring a continuous steam of steady lead flow.

We established a targeted Facebook ad campaign tailored to highlight their Luxury Home Remodeling Services. This initiative aimed to attract leads and direct the appropriate audience to their website in search of the specific services they offer.

The how 

Master Remodelers specializes in the renovation of luxury residences, catering to a more select market compared to most remodelers. When structuring our Facebook Ad Campaign for their services, our aim is to essentially pre-qualify the leads generated through the ad. This process involves precise targeting of specific locations, utilization of high-end visuals showcasing the exemplary work of Master Remodelers, and incorporating a lengthier form that potential leads are required to complete.

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An additional method to refine our target audience and ensure the acquisition of highly qualified leads involves audience segmentation on Facebook. This strategic approach entails targeting specific demographics, behavioral patterns, shared interests, and geolocation. Of particular note, segmentation based on users' actions on the client's website stands out as one of the simplest yet most effective means of segmentation. Implementing this tactic allows for a more detailed and precise categorization of leads aligning with our client's most desired prospects.

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By incorporating specific criteria for our target audience engagement in our client's ad campaign, we naturally filter out unqualified leads. This strategic approach optimizes our budget utilization, refines our ad strategy, and significantly enhances the overall success of the ad campaign.

The landing page for our ad serves as a comprehensive showcase of our client's services, values, identity, and the caliber of work they deliver to their clientele. A succinct and informative landing page plays a critical role in attracting the appropriate audience.

It incorporates essential elements such as client testimonials, a gallery showcasing the exceptional work, any received awards or accolades, and a detailed overview of their process. This presentation is critical to ensuring that potential clients seeking their services find all the necessary information to recognize Master Remodelers as the ideal choice for their project.

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By combining these elements into your ad campaign strategy, you systematically instill confidence within your target audience. This is achieved by presenting a comprehensive overview of your company's processes, identity, demonstrated accomplishments for customers, and the ultimate value you can provide to them.

A high-quality landing page not only distinguishes you from your competitors but also serves as a resource that effectively addresses any inquiries or doubts a prospective client may have about your company.


The outcomes of our ad campaign resulted in a substantial increase in website traffic, generated leads, and notably secured a $1 million project for our client. This campaign  fulfilled the goals our client had, not only procuring a significant project but also establishing a roster of new qualified leads derived from the ad campaign. These leads provide an avenue for scheduling meetings and securing projects well into the upcoming year.


When seeking a sustained flow of leads, heightened website traffic, and increased engagement for your company, an online ad campaign proves highly advantageous. This ad strategy offers flexibility—you have the capability to pause, modify the targeted service you aim to promote, or maintain an ongoing campaign for as long as needed.

Running a Facebook ad campaign boasts numerous advantages, particularly the flexibility to adjust strategies to align with the primary goals of the client. Through our paid ad strategy on Facebook, we've provided our clients with a versatile and lucrative platform, ensuring a consistent inflow of leads and the seamless adaptation of their goals throughout the year.



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